If you sign up to be included in the directory, you automatically become a District 48 FTC member for that year. Members receive voting rights at meetings (although you don't have to attend meetings) as well as updates on FTC. There is no cost to join - and it's easy.
Just click the link below to create an account, have your name published in the directory and become an FTC member! Start with the Family Information link - and then visit Directory and Publish Preferences.
Upcoming Events
- Thursday, February 27
- Wednesday, March 5
- Monday, March 10
- Tuesday, March 18
- Friday, March 21
- Thursday, March 27
Salt Creek 48 FTC Connection
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Interested in Sponsoring FTC?
FTC has many sponsorship opportunities for businesses, organizations and individuals. Please visit our "Support FTC" tab and you will find a "Sponsors" page. If you would like to sponsor Family STEAM Night, Casino Night, teacher requests or FTC Cares you can do so here.